

  • Dvolver
Click the link here: Dvolver or visit the website here: http://www.dvolver.com/moviemaker/index.html

  • What is Dvolver
Dvolver is a website where you can make your own movie-like scene, with choosing characters design, setting, form of communication, background music and the content of conversation. After designing and making the conversation, you can send the link of the short movie to your classmates, teachers or friends through email.

  • How to use Dvolver

  • Why is the content good for language learning?
  1. This will make the class vivid and interesting; it turns the boring content of conversation into the funny movie;
  2. Students will have higher motivation in learning the conversation, or making and designing the dialogue;
  3. In the class, in the speaking practice part, when the speakers feel reluctant or too shy to speak, this form of animated movie would shift other students' attention on the movie, not the speakers;
  4. In the process of making and practicing the dialogue, students finish the process from inputs to outputs, which strengthen their understanding of learnt knowledge;
  5. In the process of sharing video and communication with teachers or other learners, movie makers and movie watchers have chance to realize their own mistakes and correct the mistakes in the future.

  • How might you use it in a language teaching context?
  1. Before the class, teachers need to use Dvolver to make a conversation containing the relevant contents of the lesson;
  2. During the class, students watch the movie and practice speaking skill according to the movie;
  3. After the class, students have the assignment of making and designing their own conversation based on what they learnt from the class and on their own understanding;
  4. Send the link of finished movie to teachers or classmates, and changing ideas and improve according to the feedbacks.

  • Limitations
  1. 100 words' limitation for each character's line; this would limit maker's thoughts for the arrangement of the lines;
  2. Users cannot control or change the time length for each line;
  3. If the speakers' voices could be recorded, that would be better.

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